Friday, October 11, 2024


 I wasn't sure if Joe was up for a late night trip with hopes to see the Auroras, but thankfully he was. Our plan was to drive to my sister's house in Auburn. But on the way, Joe looked at a light pollution map, and we ended up going to a random cemetery somewhere in Ohio.  For a while we couldn't really see much, but we were getting some okay pictures by using long exposures.  We started getting cold and tired and almost decided to pack up and head home, when suddenly we could just see the colors dancing in the sky.  I'm SO glad we stayed!  It was stunning!!  I enjoyed having the time to play around with my camera settings to really capture the movement.  My pictures started at 10-13 second exposures but as the lights grew bright, I dropped down to 2 second exposures. It was a late night, but so worth it!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

afO's Father Brown Cast and Crew

Per usual, afO did an amazing job putting on this production of Father Brown!  I thoroughly enjoyed it! I had hoped I could see it again, but unfortunately that didn't work out.  Stay tuned for more pictures soon!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

afO's Father Brown PR

 I'm so excited for this show!!  Years ago my sister got me into watching the Father Brown series starring Mark Williams, and I really liked it!  Although, I think I only watched about 5 seasons.  From what I understand, this story won't be like what I think of when I hear Father Brown.  But I'm still incredibly excited to see this as I love mystery, surprises, and good storytelling, and I fully expect all for One to deliver that with this production.

To learn more or to purchase tickets for this, go to: 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tobias David

Little Tobi here has a magnificent head of hair!  We started off his session in the same onesie that his oldest brother wore for his newborn session.  Tobi gave some cute smiles and was definitely happiest when wrapped up.  He did not like when I would switch him from one wrap to the next.  But he would settle very quickly and was so fun to photograph.  Isn't he so precious?!  I thought he looked SO good in the green!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

IEN State Finals

My husband, Joe, sits on the Board of Directors for Indiana Esports Network (IEN) and a couple weeks ago was their State Finals held at Ball State University.  Joe took the day off work and we went to Muncie the day before to help set up for the event.  We had to borrow my parents' mini van to fit all the stuff we were taking with us.  It was a long day.  When we were done setting up, we went out to dinner with almost all of the other board members, most of whom Joe had not met in person yet.  Then we headed to our hotel.

We got up early and after quick showers and packing up, we checked out of the hotel and headed to Ball State for the big day.  Before long, students, coaches, and families started pouring in.  There was an area for registration that flowed into the college fair.  Then across the hall from registration was 3 out of 4 of the competition rooms with the 4th room across another hallway.  Below that on the main floor was the food court that had lots of yummy options.  Then up on the third floor were classrooms with sessions running throughout the whole day.  So everything was really close together which was quite nice.

Initially I was supposed to have a room on the first floor to work from.  This was going to be a place for me to store the snacks and drinks we brought, the camera equipment I wasn't carrying with me, and the laptop so I could run the social media throughout the day when I needed breaks from taking pictures.  Unfortunately, the first floor flooded the week before, so I couldn't be down there.  Instead, I sat in the corner of the registration room on top of the big windowsill to take breaks and post online.  It was a long day and over 600 people came (initially IEN had planned for 500).  It was quite packed at times with people standing or sitting on the floor as there wasn't near enough chairs for everyone.  But overall, I think it went well and everyone seemed to have a great time.  I really enjoyed seeing so many parents, kids, and grandparents there to support their students who were competing.