Monday, July 18, 2022

Jack's 6 month Milestone

Okay y'all.  I can not believe how much Jack is the spitting image of Charlie, who I first met a couple years ago for his 6 month milestone session.  Jack is a happy boy who seriously loved tummy time and rolling around on the ground.  Jack wore the same plaid shirt that Charlie wore, and I was able to recreate some of the pictures I did of Charlie.  After our time in the studio, we headed to the backyard for a little pool time.  Haha!  Jack seemed to love the water, but got frustrated that he couldn't hold onto the fruit to eat it.  Every time he got a strawberry or orange to his mouth, it managed to slip away.  You can see the look of frustration as he wrinkled his nose at me.  😅  Ugh, he's just so stinkin' cute!  😂😍

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